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TOP 10 Veggies, Number 10. carrot

Most of the benefits of carrots can be attributed to their beta-carotene and fiber content. This root vegetable is also a good source of antioxidant agents. Furthermore, carrots are rich in vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, vitamin B8, pantothenic acid, folate, potassium, iron, copper, and manganese.

Mini szótár:

Benefit - haszon,előny,juttatás
Attribute - tulajdonság,jellegzetesség,jellemző
Source - eredet,forrás,kiindulópont
Fiber - rost, rostos szövet
Furthermore - ráadásul,továbbá

0 Tovább

The Trouth about eggs

Eggs are actually quite nutritious. They are not just fat (yolk) and protein (white). In fact, they contain a wide array of essential vitamins and minerals. Here is what's in an egg...

A: good for the skin and growth.
D: strengthens bones by raising calcium absorption.
E: protects cells from oxidation.
B1: helps properly release energy from carbohydrates.
B2: helps release energy from protein and fat.
B6: promotes the metabolism of protein.
B12: an essential vitamin in the formation of nerve fibers and blood cells.

Iron: essential in the creation of red blood cells.
Zinc: good for enzyme stability and essential in sexual maturation.
Calcium: most important mineral in the strengthening of bones and teeth.
Iodine: controls thyroid hormones.
Selenium: like vitamin E, it protects cells from oxidation.

Experts advise that despite being low in saturated fat, one should not eat more than two eggs a day on a low-fat diet. Egg yolk is mainly fat, so even though it doesn't raise blood cholesterol levels, it can cause other problems if abused.

Contaminated eggs kill up to 5000 individuals each year. One egg in 10,000 is contaminated with salmonella, so you should never eat undercooked eggs, make eggnog on your own or mimic Rocky by swallowing them raw.

The proper way to cook eggs depends on the type of food served. The American Egg Board advises that grills should never be set higher than 250F. Anything above that will leave the interior raw while burning the outside. If an egg has runny parts, it means it is still not cooked properly.

Mini szótár:

Quite - eléggé,teljesen,meglehetősen
Nutritious - tápláló
Array - rend,sor,csatasor
Properly - Jól,helyesen,rendesen
Essential - nélkülözhetetlen,alapvető,lényeges
Saturated - telített
Fat - zsír
Contaminated - fertőzött
Swallow - nyel, lenyel
raw - nyers


0 Tovább


Egy program ami megkísérli kijavítani a helyesírási hibákat. Bár sokak szerint nagyon kezdetleges és nem működik annyira folyékonyan, ettől még épp lehet hasznos. Főleg, hogy a helyesírásunkat a legnehezebb fejleszteni valószínűleg.


0 Tovább

Phrasal Verbs, with "dawn"

I said 'no', but then I backed down. change your original position
I turned down his offer. refuse an offer (say 'no thank you')
The vet put down my dog. kill an animal which is suffering
My car broke down on the motorway. stop working (machine)
The noise died down. become quieter
He really let me down. disappoint sb
I'll settle down when I'm 30. start living a sensible, adult life
He should slow down. do sth more slowly
The prime minister had to stand down after the scandal. resign from a position of power
Please calm down.

become less excited/angry


0 Tovább

Andrew zimmern interview

How did your fascination with food develop? What shaped it? Was it gradual or sudden?

A: I like food, I am a chef and a traveler, and I am a paler version of my dad. He is a legendary eater and traveler, and my mom roomed with Vic Bergeron's kid in college. Trader Vic taught her to cook. So I was raised in a home that sought out the unusual, honest, authentic food experience. By the time I was 10, I knew what I wanted to do with my life. Be in the food business. And I started getting into serious kitchens by the time I was 14.

How important is the journey -- the process of getting to a destination -- when you're trying new foods?

A: It's the most important because you shed your urban American skin, and you make yourself ready to download and immerse yourself. You make yourself available to be changed. You perk up your ears and your taste buds and open your eyes.

Does your background in the culinary arts and your profession as a chef influence your family's eating habits? If so, how?

A: Well, of course, but my wife is not a food professional and feels, thinks and cooks the same way. Ingredients with corn syrup for example don't exist in our house. Aside from a small handful of items, the hundreds of foods in our fridge, pantry and on our counters would all be recognizable by my grandmother. The night before I left on my current trip we made homemade parmesan-crusted chicken fingers -- dipped in flour, then egg, then parmesan bread crumbs -- because Noah, our son, had a friend over and that’s what they wanted. My wife makes pasta sauces from scratch and freezes them for convenience. So we have a pretty sophisticated, yet simple, food life, but freshness is key.

Fascination - elragadtatás,elbűvölés,vonzerő
Develop - fejleszt,kifejleszt,fejlődik
Pale - halvány,sápadt
Honest - tisztességes,becsületes
Authentic - valódi,igazi,hiteles
to perk up - felélénkül, jókedvre derül
Taste buds - Ízlelőbimbók
influence - befolyás,hatalom
Ingredient - hozzávaló,alapanyag
Aside from "something" - eltekintve valamitől
Pantry - éléstár,spájz
Crusted - megkérgesedett, heges, réteggel bevont
Dipped - mártott, be mártott
Crumb - kenyér morzsa
to crumb - szétmorzsol, kiránt, paníroz
Sophisticated - kifinomult, kitanult, tapasztalt, mesterkélt

A teljes interjút itt találhatod


0 Tovább

Angol Otthontanulóknak


Ötletek, módszerek, segédanyagok angol nyelvtanulóknak.

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