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DynEd sima út az angol nyelvtudáshoz

I have encountered with a pretty smart American/Hungarian gentleman in the Nyelvparádé. Who had informants me really well about his company and their product. Let me introduce the DynEd my readers.

DynEd International, Inc., has the world's most comprehensive lineup of award-winning English Language Teaching (ELT/ESL) solutions.

DynEd's courses cover all proficiency levels and include a range of age-appropriate courses, from kids in school to adults in university, corporate, aviation or other vocational settings. DynEd courses have been approved by Ministries of Education in several countries.

With over 13 million active users, DynEd courses are designed to be used in a blended learning environment, along with teachers and classroom support.

DynEd's headquarters and development center is in Burlingame, California – overlooking the San Francisco Bay. The company has sales and support offices around the world and additional development centers in Beijing and Jakarta.

0 Tovább

Review about my day in the "Nyelvparádé" 2016.september.9

It was a tough way to reaching the Millenárius park, I thinking about the traffic jam. But eventually it worth it. I got plenty of options to learn English many of them are using the "blended" line to teach the people. Which is basically a relatively new way to learn English.

Very soon I will introduce the most of the companies and their strategies to teach people. I would also give my perception about some stand in the expo which was really professional and wich was not.

0 Tovább

Interview with my sister, SHe's living in Scotland for 5 years almost. She has become a fluent English speaker!

I would love to make my first interview with my sister whom I highly proud of.

She made the decision to go after our mother to Glasgow in Scotland. Emese was only a fifteen years old little loveable girl. She's been in Scotland for almost 5 years now.

How do you felt yourself after you have arrived in Scotland?

The first few day/ weeks I felt terrified, happy, curious and sad at the same time. Didn't really know what was going on but it was interesting to meet people from all around the world. Moving to a Hostel is a fun way to save money if you like meeting people all sorts. I have learnt a lot in those few months. It is a totally different experience.

What do you do in there?

I am currently studying to be an Interior Architecture at West College Scotland, Paisley. After trying different subjects such as fashion and improved my English decided that this is what the future holds for me in Scotland.

What do you miss from home and what is not?

What I miss the most are my family and friends. The fact that I can not walk to get granny's lunch or see my brother, go to parties with friends and also miss the first years of my little cousin becoming a man. These things can be devastating.

Your bits of advice to the people who would like to go abroad?

Learning languages and fitting in can be fun if you got the passion and interest for it, if not don't even pack! Fitting in isn't about eating their food, dating their man, woman or wearing their clothes; is about accepting the country without judging it too much.

All in all?

The UK is a great place for people who knows what they want, knowing where to look for a suitable life for your skills is very important. The weather can be very hard, if you don't like rain, like me I would consider my choices carefully

0 Tovább

Top 5 Unemployed Countries in Europe

The reason why I've posted that list is because I personally think this list isn't given anyone a precise picture about the numbers of unemployment. I mean Hungary is on 5.5%? COME ON! It's crap!

Does someone believe that Denmark, Austria, Sweden and Finland have more extensive issues at unemployment?

What I see from the middle of Hungary that is an enormous amount of people fleeing the country to abroad. To be honest with everyone?! My mother, sister, uncle and my best friend too live in the UK for years now.
 They work hard there, but they didn't find their expectations here and it's mainly because of the employee program of our country.

5. Portugal Unemployment rate about 11.6%

More information about Portuguese unemployment

Before we move on to the 4th country we should talk about the unemployment among the youth. One in four young adults is unemployed in Spain. It is ridiculous while these young people fleeing from their country the government spending millions on football and basketball. A job is never just a workplace as we all know. One job could provide subsistence for a whole family! More member of your family has a job much stronger the family subsistence.

4. Cyprus Unemployment rates 12%

The Republic of Cyprus occupies the southern part of the island of Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean. The island (and capital city Nicosia) is divided with Turkey to the north.

To me, it was only a notorious place where the offshore money goes in.

3. Croatia Unemployment rates 13.3%

While Croatia will be always famous by its coast shores for a Hungarian, It looks like they don't have too big industries what could give the people job. Is it because of the Yugoslavian war entirely? I don't know but the bad times passed away It's about time to look for a solution for their problems in unemployment. Unemployment rates

2. Spain Unemployment rates 19.8%

If someone has a big problem I assure you that Spain has!

A complete generation practically unemployed.

1. Greece Unemployment rates above than 24%

Nothing left to say by me. Scary percentages! Maybe that's all! 

Watch this documentary open a vocabulary and learn English from it ! Have fun !

0 Tovább

ESL Gold, A site where you can find almost everything what you need to know about English!

Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing, Vocabulary and so on...

You can find pretty much everything in this site. Highly recommended by me, please give it a shot for yourself !

ESL Gold

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Angol Otthontanulóknak


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