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Pár órára van már csak a nyelvparádé a Millenárisban.


Dátum: 2016. szeptember 9-11. (péntek, szombat, vasárnap)

Nyitva tartás: 10:00 - 18:00

Helyszín: D csarnok

Jegyár: Ingyenes

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Szeptember 9-11-ig (immár 17. alkalommal) vár minden nyelvtanulót, nyelvtanárt a Nyelvparádé, a legnagyobb országos nyelvoktatási rendezvény.

Téged is vár a Nyelvparádé!

Nyelvet tanulnál, és keresed a Neked legmegfelelőbb módszert?
Nyelvvizsgára készülsz?
Az egzotikus nyelvek érdekelnek?
Naprakész szótárt, segédanyagokat szeretnél?
Külföldi munkát keresel?
Külföldi vagy, akit érdekel a magyar nyelv?
Tudod, mi az a blended learning?
Távoktatásra, távmunkára lenne szükséged?
Nyelvtanár vagy, akinek fontos, hogy ismerje a legújabb trendeket?
Neked szól a Nyelvparádé - a nyelvtanulási lehetőségek vására, ahol minden kérdésedre választ kaphatsz.
Szeptember második hétvégéjén a szakma legjava várja - immár 17. éve -, hogy hozzájáruljon sikereidhez.

Itt a helyed!

Parkolási lehetőség

A Millenárisra látogató vendégek számára kényelmes parkolási lehetőség biztosított a Millenáris fedett mélygarázsában, díjfizetés ellenében. Behajtás a Kis Rókus utca felől.



0 Tovább

Aba English teacher's blog but not only for them but for home learners too

I have found (Present perfect subject+have/has+Verb3) a really good blog for learning English at home.

You can find a plenty of material for learning English in ABAENGLISH.

It is a clear blog with subjects such as grammar,writing,speaking,listening,reading,vocabulary and also includes studying tips!

0 Tovább

Present Simple in a nutshell

Form of the present simple with the infinitive form of the verb (without to). Add "s" in the third person singular he/she/it

I like, You like, He/She/It likes, We like, They like

Some verbs are irregular: have,be

I have, You have, She/He has, We have, They have
I am, You are,He/She/It is,We are, They are

Spelling Changes

Verbs ending in o,s,ch,sh,x add -es for the third person singular.

He goes, She misses, He eats, She knows


Form yes/no questions with do+ the infinitive (without to). Use does for he/she/it.

Do you like french food? Does she like french food?


Form negatives with do not+ the infinitive(without to). Use does not for he/she/it.

I do not like french food. She does not like french food.

Short forms : I don't. She doesn't

Present simple meaning

The simple present can describe :

1. Habitual actions ( I usually get up at 7am.)
2. Actions and situations that are generally or usually true. (We like ice cream)
3. Facts which are always true (The world is rounded)

and the present simple also has some future meanings.
We often use the present simple to talk about events in the future which are part of a timetable,programme or calendar (Jim's plane leaves at 16.00pm, Our headteacher retires next year)

0 Tovább

A Hungarian woman gets raped by three migrant in Germany. Inadmissible and infuriating news! 

The frightful rape has happened in Mühlhausen in Germany on august 27th.
Personally, if it would happen with one of my woman in life (mother,sister,girlfriend) I wouldn't know how to support them in a right way. I mean should I talk to her about it, or should I just shut my mouth up until she begins to speak about it?

Fortunately, I don't need to think about this horrific scenario.

Unfortunately somebody has.

I would love to give a voice to my compassionate about her family and herself.

0 Tovább

Even if some people sounding that english is easy it is actually really weird language

Accept That English Is a Weird Language

Sometimes you can find patterns in English grammar, but other times English doesn’t make sense at all. For example, why are “read” (reed) and “read” (red) the same word, but pronounced differently depending on whether you’re speaking in the past or present tense? Or why is “mice” the plural of “mouse”, but “houses” is the plural of “house”?

Unfortunately, there are just as many exceptions as there are rules in English. It’s easy to get stuck on learning how to speak English properly, if you try to find a reason for everything.  Sometimes English is weird and unexplainable, so instead the best thing to do is just memorize the strange exceptions and move on.


0 Tovább

Angol Otthontanulóknak


Ötletek, módszerek, segédanyagok angol nyelvtanulóknak.

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