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Intermittent fasting

As you might heard about intermittent fasting is a new diet plan which isn't that popular as other diets, partly it's because of you can't sell anything from this kind of weight loss process. You may have made a book about it or vlogging on youtube, but you can't sell things like in the "Paleo" business.

But I quite frankly say that nothing will be such an effective fat burner as the intermittent fasting and It's because of simple math. If you cut your calories under your calorie requirements you will start to burn fat and muscle(unfortunately) but ultimately you will lose weight. It is that easy.

Yes, you will struggle by starving but this is part of the process.

Check more information on Wikipedia

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India's water crisis scares the world

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0 Tovább

TOP 10 veggies, number 8. lettuce

There is nothing like a good cold salad in the hot summer days.

It's full with vitamins rich in fibers, everyone says it is good for your health.

why wouldn't you eat more of it there are plenty of types and each has different taste.

Eat Salads to Cut Calories

If losing weight is your goal, you may want to start your meals with a green salad. Studies have shown that eating a low-calorie first course, like a green salad of 150 calories or less, enhances satiety (feelings of fullness) and reduces the total number of calories eaten during the meal.

Rolls, lead researcher of the study, suggests that "bigger is better" as long as the salad is bigger in volume, not in calories - which means more veggies and less dressing and other fatty add-o

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Present vs past perfect continuous

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Angol Otthontanulóknak


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