The enduring appeal of Pokemons

This summer, you can see so many people walking around Hong Kong with their heads down, staring at their phones. That’s because they are playing Pokemon Go, a game that has the world going crazy. As an avid player, I am reminded of how far this game has come.

Pokemon is a media franchise featuring creatures called “Pokemons” that their human “trainers” catch and put to use in battle. The first Pokemon game was created in 1995, which was played on Game Boy. Later on, we played it using the Nintendo DS console and the computer. But those Pokemon games were only 2D versions, and players needed to really use their imagination.

But now we can play the game on our phone. This mobile game means people can play it anywhere. With the help of GPS, players can walk around and catch the Pokemons, unlike previously when we played sitting at home.

Although the Pokemon franchise has been around for so many years, it is still thriving, and I know many Pokemon ­online communities where people share memes and new information about the game.

As a player, I think it is a very good game. Today, it combines the use of many mobile technologies such as GPS and the camera. I believe the success of Pokemon Go will bring mobile games to a new level.

Fan Ka Wing, Tseung Kwan O

Mini szótár:

Appeal - felhívás,kérés,fellebezés,vonzerő,varázs
- bámul,mereven néz
Avid - mohó,szenvedélyes
Later on - később
Catch - elfog,elkap,megragad
Although - habár, ámbár
Thrive - gyarapszik,gazdagszik